

This category contains 10 posts

Four Weeks to A Better Trained Body and Brain

I have a 1oK race coming up in the next couple of months. My goal, therefore, is to become very efficient at running those 6.2 miles. To do that, I need to condition myself to run at least that distance if not farther. To run farther distances runners must run LSDs (long slow distances) to … Continue reading

Training For a Race? Try Progressive Overload

Training Rx Why Running a Combination of Short and Long EASY Runs is Beneficial to Improving Running Fitness By Alix Shutello Are you someone who runs the same distance EVERY day? Well, you might not be doing yourself any favors if you are training for a race. Running the same distance every day does have … Continue reading

Cross Training RX

Today, instead of running 6 miles I did 5 miles on the eliptical. I must admit, while I hate most machines at the gym, the workout did the trick; I was able to accomplish three things – 1. cover long distance doing an activity that was lower impact than running. 2. maintain a high heartrate. … Continue reading